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Mujeres por la Nación

Welcome to our NGO's website. We are an interconnected network committed to social and family support and guidance in Argentina, since 2001. Our work areas include:

  1. Assistance on Domestic Violence
  2. Child Abuse
  3. Human Trafficking
  4. Addictions
  5. Vulnerable Pregnancy

If you or someone you know is coping with a difficult situation related to some of our work areas, we are here to help. We offer services of emotional support, legal counseling and programs for rehabilitation to help people recover and live a healthy and happy life. We also work in collaboration with other organizations to provide support services for the victims of human trafficking and child abuse.

Hogar Sendas de Justicia



Our NGO is commited and dedicated to help those who need our help in moments of crisis. If you desire to receive more information about our work and how you can get involved, we invite you to explore our page and contact us. Together we can make a significant difference in the lives of many people and families all over Argentina.

Institutional Reinforcement

ONG's, instituciones públicas y privadas, que acompañan el trabajo de Mujeresxlanacion.


We work in partnership to design innovative programs and projects that address the currently faced challenges. Through these strategic partnerships, we maximize the impact of our initiatives and provide comprehensive support to people in vulnerable situations. Collaborating helps us maximize the impact of our initiatives and provides comprehensive support to those who most need it.


We recognize the importance of building partnerships with key institutions to generate structural change in the society. In "Mujeresxlanacion", we actively engage with educational institutions, health centers and legal services. Through these partnerships, we provide training, counseling and resources that strengthen and promote equality in various areas.

Governmental Agencies

In "Mujeresporlanacion", we understand that collaborating with governmental agencies is essential in order to achieve lasting change. We strive to establish strong relationships and work together with competent authorities. Through dialogue and political advocacy, we advocate for policies and laws that protect people’s rights in different areas such as gender-based violence.

Latest events

Alejandra López - Coordinator in the Hogar Sendas de Justicia
Rocío Torrez - NGO A.M.O.R
María Laura Ruiz – Centro de Primera Infancia y Trabajo Social
Silvia Acosta - Social worker Hogar Sendas de Justicia

Learn more about our work on our YouTube channel


Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless and see that they get justice.

                                                            Proverbs 31:8-9

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